Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rainy day in Taipei. only 18 degrees?

Got up late but I slept more 12 hrs because I went to bed so earily last night. Still slept for a long time. poor me.

After I got up from bed, uncle cooked dumpling and potato soup for lunch. Unfortunately, it started to "enjoy" my bad lucky day. The lesson in shida made me leave home at half of one in the afternoon. Usually, you could ride motrobike better than take bus if the weather was good. Yet, My decision was that have taken bus and transfor by MRT as well. But, I got off one at wrong station. lol, I walked to MRT station for 10 mins then got into one being bound for Guting station. oh, that's so funny, uh? such idiot! I was late for my lesson for 20 mins. Sorry for my teacher. That was accidence.

Well, that's not whole story. I wait for the next class on the bench in Shida univ. In fact, the thing happend terrible will be that interrupts professor who keeps his mind on teaching, you know. So, I decided to go inside after class. Marvellously, when I went in the classroom, no seats over there. lol, god-blessed that I didn't do one before. That would be embarrassing. Afterward, the condition told me what you don't have place over here then I walked back and found Starbucks for reading my own textbook. ha-ha. *just like a signal which tells me that today is not sitting indoor though it was rainning outside. anyway, I've arrived Cafe shop and ordered a coffee for myself if Silke were here. Of course I will buy one for her.

To sit in Starbucks for 3 hrs was interesting in my studies since I begined to read my linguistics and UCL ( U. college of London) ones. After that, a friend who from Paris works in Taipei. otherwise, he was late for 1 hour. Although he paid for the dinner, I backed home lately because my date. By the way, I met my classmate- 小搞, who works in Taipei as well-and had a good time during I waited for the date of introducion this city. Seriouly, we went to a IT shop then played a baseball game of PS2 and a bloody game with a little boy. ha-ha. we won the game and fighted with the boy who is good at the game so much. what a surprise. When I stop playing TV game, my hands don't reflect that clicks button fast. oh-oh. I'm older. lol

Finally, I backed home so late. but I will back home tomorrow morning. so excited. Although I can't surf website this morning. I could change my bad mood as I'm going to home. bravo! hey, how are you today? Please don't like me. ha-ah

* I met a girl in starbucks

when I didn't get a seat.

To ask her allow me sharing her table.

"yes" girl said.

Do believe that good memory will create by a smile.

Taiwanese are always friendly for strangers.

Please believe that.

Thank you for this madam.


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